12.6.2009 | By Jack Rico |

Hollywood.com picked up this revealing story about John Travolta’s TV habits. I don’t know if it is true, but if it is, I bet you a plethora of anglo actors do the same. Actually come to think of it, I interviewed Woody Allen years ago for ‘Deconstructing Harry’ and he unapolegetically said he watched Univision. Anderson Cooper told me one New Year’s day that he loved Primer Impacto (Univision)!?
Nevertheless, I’m gonna start getting to the bottom of all these in the closet habits by our stars. Travolta’s confession is below!
John Travolta (Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Old Dogs) admits he regularly switches onto network Telemundo to unwind, because he finds the Spanish language relaxing.
Travolta admits, “I watch Spanish television and listen to Spanish radio stations. The people are very beautiful. Latinos are very sexy. And there’s something soothing about it. But I don’t understand any of it.”