01.29.2016 | By Jack Rico |
Jencarlos Canela, known mostly for his Spanish-language work on Telemundo, and Univision and who is currently in the studio working on his English album debut, has been cast in the role of Jesus Christ in THE PASSION, a live two-hour epic musical event airing in New Orleans on Palm Sunday, March 20 on FOX. Also, bachata singer turned pop singer Prince Royce will be playing the disciple Peter. Joining them are singer Chris Daughtry as Judas and Trisha Yearwood as Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Latino Singers Breaking Through The Mainstream
THE PASSION, written by Peter Barsocchini, who penned “High School Musical”, tells the 2000-year-old story of the last hours of Jesus Christ’s life on earth through passages from the Bible and a variety of popular music, sung by the cast, and arranged specifically for this event by executive producer and hit music producer Adam Anders. Set in the modern day, the event will follow the dramatic and inspirational story of Jesus of Nazareth, as he presides over the Last Supper, and then is betrayed by Judas, put on trial by Pontius Pilate, convicted, crucified, and resurrected.
Canela, the Latin Tom Cruise, has been working hard to crossover and got his chance to co-star with Eva Longoria on NBC’s Telenovela this year. The reviews have been mixed, but this new FOX gig is a starring role that should give him major exposure on Palm Sunday, a day when most people are looking for religious programming. FOX played their cards right.
Impact of Latino Singers on American Television
By casting two VERY well-known Latino names in the Spanish-language dominant media (you know, the alternate media universe that doesn’t exist unless Trump or Rodner Figueroa give them headlines), they carry with them a large and loyal fan base. In addition, they earn brownie points for casting a Latino as the lead. Now you can’t accuse FOX of not being diverse. They are to be commended very highly.
THE PASSION will unfold live at some of New Orleans’ most iconic locations while featuring a procession of hundreds of people carrying a 20-foot, illuminated cross from outside the Superdome to the live stage at Woldenberg Park on the banks of the Mississippi River.
Here’s a look at Jencarlos Canela and Prince Royce’s work…
Do you think FOX cast the right actors? Is Prince Royce ready to act? Give us your comments below!