01.8.2014 | By Jack Rico |
I kickoff 2014 on the #1 Spanish-language morning radio show – The Luis Jimenez Show on X96.3FM NYC – with the first “Lengua, Cámara y Acción” segment of the year chatting about technology and the new “Dolby Vision” HD that is supposedly better than 4K Ultra HD from Sony. Also Netflix is giving people a cheaper streaming price option for $6.99. Why? Listen in and find out!
“Lengua, Cámara y Acción” is a radio segment that is a free flowing conversation on Hollywood and the entertainment industry with a dash of wit, humor and information with Jack Rico and radio star, Luis Jimenez. This way, you can keep abreast of what’s happening in Hollywood with a smile. “Lengua, Cámara y Acción” is broadcast every Tuesday at 9:50 AM on X96.3FM.