09.28.2012 | By Karen Posada |

I was completely blown away by ‘Looper’ although time travel is not an original concept the way it’s used here it’s jaw droppingly good, creative and entertaining. There’s nothing better than a good sci-fi action thriller that twists your mind without losing you, while keeping you completely alert and at the edge of your seat. There’s no doubt that this is one of the best movies I’ve seen all year, it has all the elements for a blockbuster starting with a mind-blowing storyline that even has a moral to it.
In 2044 Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) works as a “looper” for a futuristic mob that exist 30 years into the future and when they want to get rid of someone they send them into Joe’s present, where he shoots them and gets rid of the bodies. He follows the same work/play routine everyday until he learns the mob has started to close its loops and Joe’s future self (Bruce Willis) shows up at the end of his gun and decides to run away from his killer while changing future events.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt has already shown what a quality actor he is and despite the hiccup he had with ‘Premium Rush’, he completely redeems himself once more here. His character was made to look like a younger version of Willis, which is a bit disturbing, but despite his freaky transformation it’s easy to see how much effort he’s put into it as he even speaks in the same tone Willis does while still being himself. He gives an amazing performance here over and over again; his character has so many layers that he surprises us countless times.
Willis doesn’t stay far behind, he also delivers and even goes ‘Die Hard’ at some point in the movie; a moment that everyone will enjoy without a doubt. He’s able to give us some of the most touching, violent and action packed moments in the film. The main lady of the film, Emily Blunt has shown how easily she can jump from genre to genre, because that’s how good she is. Her character here has a strong shell that’s hard to penetrate and she’s able to stand her ground providing a very important second layer to the story.
Everyone in the film just gives one hundred percent no matter how long their screen time is. Paul Dano’s character shows a more human side to the story, which is needed. Abe (Jeff Daniels) is one of the evil bosses and his appearance goes perfectly well with his actions and lines. I won’t say much about Cid (Pierce Gagnon) who almost steals the movie this kid is unbelievably good!
You will leave the movie theater talking and thinking about this movie, which is not completely perfect; when you begin to analyze it you will find holes in the story, some unanswered questions and some discrepancies. There is a slow part in the middle that if it would have been any longer it could have damaged some of the movie. The second part of the film almost seems like an entirely different movie and this is one of the things I enjoyed the most as we are shown the premise of the movie is bigger than itself.
This movie has it all and some: drama, comedy, action, sci-fi and an astounding storyline that will leave you completely dumbfounded. This is certainly a movie you have to go see this fall, because these experiences are hard to come by nowadays as very few movies are able to reach and capture what director and writer Rian Johnson created here.
Rated: Rated R for strong violence, language, some sexuality/nudity and drug content
Release Date: 2012-09-28
Screenplay: Rian Johnson
Official Website: http://www.loopermovie.com/