03.23.2009 | By Mike Pierce |

Rated: PG for sci-fi action, some crude humor and mild language.
Release Date: 2009-03-27
Starring: Maya Forbes, Wallace Wolodarsky
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website: http://www.monstersvsaliens.com/
Go to our film page

Yes! Monsters VS. Aliens – I had the chance to see this earlier this week and I must say…It was funny! I knew it would be. Check out the trailer and see for yourselves. (lol)
It stars the talented voices of Reese Witherspoon (Ginormica), Seth Rogen (B.O.B.), Hugh Laurie (Dr. Cockroach Ph. D), Will Arnett (The Missing Link), Keither Sutherland (General W.R. Monger), and many others. If you’re looking for a funny, all age family movie…Monsters VS. Aliens is for you!
It’s about this girl – who’s about to get the perfect life she’s always wanted. On her wedding day – she is hit by a meteorite from outer space…which turns her into a GIANT Monster lady. The government steps in and captures her – while she’s in the government prison…she meets 3 of the coolest monsters ever. Well, while that’s going on…an evil alien named, Gallaxhar decides he wants to attack and take over earth. As a last resort – with the leadership of General W.R. Monger and direct orders from the President of the United States…Ginormica and her 3 special friends must save the earth.
Ding…Ding…Monsters VS. Aliens. Your kids will love it and there’s enough adult humor to make you laugh.
I loved how they make you (me) remember all the classic monsters movies – The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, and so on. You’ll see!
I give Monsters VS. Aliens…4 out of 5 Popcorns