10.22.2013 | By Jack Rico |
One year ago to the day, I wrote on this site about the trailer that had leaked regarding Paramount Pictures’ Latino Paranormal Activity. That trailer was never officially acknowledged by the studio, but was seen at the end of the credits of Paranormal Activity 4. Well, today I’m posting the first official trailer of PA 5 called ‘Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones’, which will be Hispanic with a full Hispanic cast.
‘Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones’ will be released on January 3rd, 2014. This date worries me because people are barely getting rid of their New Year’s hangovers and NO ONE is really watching movies around this time. I believe they gave it a death sentence and I think it won’t do well. Paramount is banking on the marketing success from their own indie horror waste The Devil Inside from 2012 which cost 1 million dollars and made $53,245,055 domestically. That film was released January 6, three days later than ‘Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones’. Those three days make a HUGE difference. They’re also trying to bank on the Latino audiences that made ‘The Devil Inside’ into a shocker hit (but with a bad word of mouth).
If the film is successful, expect a Latino franchise spinoff from ‘Paranormal Activity,’ plus many more Latino horror movies from competing movie studios. If not, they’ll be seldomly made.
Are you excited to see ‘Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones’? Will it be a success? Weigh in in our comments section below.