Pacific Rim (Movie Review)
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Pacific Rim (Movie Review)

07.12.2013 | By |


The “1-4-0”: #PacificRim is a visual masterpiece that combines a nice balance of comedy, drama and action. A solid movie that has more sizzle than steak.

The Gist: Godzilla meets Real Steel. Sea monsters wreck havoc on Hong Kong while humans create Voltron looking robots to put a beating on their asses.

The Highlights: The most engrossing aspect of the film is unequivocally the visual effects. I believe it is the most awe-inspiring CGI ever committed to film. From the texture of the beasts/robots to the grandiose fighting sequences, Mexican director Guillermo del Toro delivers an unforgettable optical experience. Once your eyes get used to the eye candy, the IMAX 3D experience just kicks it into overdrive. The scale of this film is also uber-imposing and could even frighten some who are not used seeing images that large. That is not necessarily a negative, au contraire, it is a positive that is pushing the boundaries of technology and filmmaking which will be ripped off by future directors for years to come. Finally, the last half hour is as relentless with its action as The Avengers was. Boy, oh boy!

The Lowlights: Let’s be honest, whatever story exists in this script is just filling gaps in order to get to the fight scenes. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t great effort put into the script by del Toro and team, but ultimately, the subplots of brotherly loss, childhood fears and human sacrifice aren’t given enough time to be fleshed out, so it is hard for us to care. Nevertheless, this defect will be put in the rearview mirror by the intense excitement the voyage towards the finale delivers.

Pay or Nay?: Pay for it all the way. In order to fully enjoy the film, you must see it in its intended glory in IMAX 3D, anything less would be criminal. It’d be like having a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport and driving it only 20mph. This is what summer Hollywood commercial blockbusters are all about and you’re going to see one of the finest ever.

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Rated: PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi action and violence throughout, and brief language
Release Date: July 12th, 2013
Screenplay: Travis Beacham (screenplay), Guillermo del Toro
Director(s): Guillermo del Toro
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Film Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

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