PODCAST Ep 100! Alfonso Cuarón Talks ROMA, Nicole Acevedo on Latin vs. Country Music, Manolo Caro Discusses ‘Perfectos Desconocidos’
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PODCAST Ep 100! Alfonso Cuarón Talks ROMA, Nicole Acevedo on Latin vs. Country Music, Manolo Caro Discusses ‘Perfectos Desconocidos’

01.12.2019 | By |

The Highly Relevant podcast has reached a milestone 100th episode and to celebrate it, I brought in the biggest director in Hollywood at the moment – Alfonso Cuarón (3:19). He discusses ROMA, why critics love it so much and I reveal to him my favorite scene. Also, Nicole Acevedo joins the show to discuss her article from NBCNews.com about how Latin music sales have surpassed Country albums (10:30). Then we finalize with Mexican director Manolo Caro who talks to us about his latest comedy “Perfectos Desconocidos“. (28:53) It’s a great episode, hope you enjoy it!

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