08.23.2010 | By Jack Rico |

Rated: R for strong zombie violence/gore, language and brief sexuality.
Release Date: 2010-05-28
Starring: George Romero
Film Genre:
Official Website: http://magnetreleasing.com/survivalofthedead/
George A. Romero, known as âthe godfatherâ of zombie movies, is releasing his new deadhead movie called âSurvival of the Deadâ about two families who live in an island plagued by zombies.
The story centers on an island in the middle coast of North America where dead people are beginning to rise from their graves to eat their own offspring. The leaders of the two families on the island then quarrel about how to go about their strange situation… do they kill their deceased relatives, or would it be better to try and find a cure that could return them to a normal life. Many decisions are explored in this film.
If you’re going to see this film to entertain and frighten yourself, you will be very disappointed. Romero has long said he does make these films to scare his audience, rather he uses the horror genre to communicate a social and political message through the stories. Survival of the Dead is more given to devotees of the cult films of Romero and not so much to new audiences. Stay away.