07.7.2008 | By Mack Chico |
Rated: R for for sexual content, nudity, violence and language.
Release Date: 2008-03-07
Starring: Dick Clement, Ian La Frenais
Film Genre:
Official Website: http://www.bankjobmovie.co.uk/
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The Bank Job is a heist movie in the classic tradition – it details every aspect of the caper, from its genesis to its aftermath. The fact that there’s political intrigue and espionage swirling around the edges only makes it more fascinating. Director Roger Donaldson, whose resume includes films as diverse as Dante’s Peak and The World’s Fastest Indian, keeps the pace at a high level so even the “down” moments are driven forward by the film’s momentum. And, unlike some crime movies that become so fixated on the plot that everything else gets lost in the mix, Donaldson and his screenwriters take the time to develop the characters.