06.3.2015 | By Felix Dalgo |
New York Magazine’s Vulture Festival in New York City was home to many special events during this past weekend. One of these events was a live podcast by Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes located at Milk Studios in Chelsea, NY. It was another episode of their podcast series named “Jay and Silent Bob Get Old.”
As I walked into the studio for the session, I saw a set-up which I really wasn’t expecting. In my mind, I was imagining big microphones a huge table with a soundboard on one side. I was completely wrong. A small table had two wireless microphones, an Apple computer and two Red Bulls, which was all they needed.
The song “Tougher Than Leather” began playing and the two stars came out, grabbed the microphones and began their show. No one can deny the success that this duo have had throughout the years with their films, Kevin’s books, as well as his television show “Comic Book Men” on AMC. They have been so great in the big screen together that you would think that the New Jersey natives have been best friends since before fame came their way. In this podcast they decided to open up and tell they truths about their friendship in a serious way while still having some great comic relief.
The most memorable highlight included Smith explaining the origins of the “Jay and Silent Bob Get Old” podcast. It was started in order to maintain Jason Mewes away from drug abuse, drug abuse that kept their relationship in a strict business level and nothing more for many years, “I worked with the guy, but I never hung out with him, because he was a reckless addict,” Smith said. Mewes, now drug and alcohol free for over four years, was very open to speaking about his addiction and how it kept him away from what he loved to do the most which was working with Kevin in the entertainment business.
Mewes moved on by mentioning how the process of doing drugs was something that he didn’t enjoy at all. “The high afterwards was okay, but the poking my arms and the nausea was absolutely terrible, but I couldn’t help myself at the time, it was horrible.” Kevin then began telling the story that made him step away from Mewes in a personal level for some time. It was a time when Jay was over Kevin’s home and this last one didn’t want to have to deal with taking care of Jason anymore. One more incident and he was ready to step away. “I remember you went to the bathroom and were taking way too long, so I went to the door and yelled ‘if you were shitting I would smell it!’” said Kevin, with a laughing tone.
As humble as a person can be admitting his addiction issue, Jay was given a huge round of applause for his courage to stop. Smith mentioned that a big reason why Jay was able to stop was that he married and became a father. And the same way that Kevin was telling Jason how his addiction was hurting HIM. He praised the other half of the famous duo because as Smith himself mentioned “When you had your baby, you became a different man. Your life is only and totally for her, and I can tell you right now that you are a better father to your daughter then how I am with my kids. You are amazing.” It was after this heartfelt speech when the studio stood up and gave the great comic Jason Mewes a fantastic round of applause.
Afterwards, the duo went on telling hilarious stories about their glory days and how their lives are now. But the story that I would like to leave you with is that of Jason Mewes. A man that was able to go surpass the one of the toughest challenges in life, a man who battled addiction for many years and won. I see him not only as a survivor, but as a hero and an example to follow. With perseverance and a little help from those closest to you, anything can be achieved.