04.24.2014 | By Mariana Dussan |
Music is a powerful force that serves to unite people universally and there is no moment that this is truer than at the World Cup. Every four years as soccer fever rises and countries become rivals, the main thing that unites us all is the official World Cup song.
The official song is one of the most prominent releases in music as it serves to not only represent the event and host country, and to bring the singer worldwide exposure, but most importantly, to hype up the audience – to trigger the deeply seeded devotion and love that they have for their country and the game.
Unfortunately, not all official songs have measured up to the grandeur that is the worldwide soccer event and rather than ignite passion and brotherhood, they leave fans confused and bored. Ladies and gents, cover your ears because here are the WORST official World Cup songs ever:
4. “We Are One” Brazil 2014
[youtube id=”9W3sWiZ-iO8″]
Pitbull is known for cranking out hit after hit, but this soccer-inspired creation has left more than one fan (including myself) saying: “WTF!” The song has a great start that slowly builds you up (and fools you) into what sounds like it will be the most amazing explosion of samba … but then it’s not. Pitbull had the opportunity to take samba, one of the most infectious rhythms in the world, and blow it up, but instead he shadowed it with a bunch EDM noise. In short, the tune is catchy, but not memorable.
3. “Gloryland” USA 1994
[youtube id=”9lyNR0UMVic”]
Oh, sorry, I was momentarily confused about what the World Cup actually was, I foolishly thought it was about SOCCER! What in the world was FIFA thinking when they okayed “Gloryland”? This song is great for church, a political speech, or even a commercial that tries to advertise how great the U.S. is, but for the biggest worldwide soccer event? No no no!
2. “A Special Kind of Hero” Mexico 1986
[youtube id=”ylbSIqyuw28″]
Mexico is not a place that lacks talent or major stars, but for some reason for the 1986 World Cup all of that was completely ignored and a crappy song called “A Special Kind Of Hero” was born. Rather than having embraced the country’s rancheras, corridos or rock, and singers like Vincente Fernandez and Juan Gabriel, FIFA decided that a soft and emotional tune was the perfect way to get soccer fans pumped. #snooze
1. “Fútbol México 70” Mexico 1970
[youtube id=”F0nFova7qJY”]
Unfortunately, the 1982 misfortune was not the first time Mexico was left with an unpleasant official World Cup song. The country had already gone through a similar situation in the 1970 Cup when FIFA chose “Fútbol México 70,” the most generic tune they could possibly find, making even elevator music sound like it was composed by Mozart. Make it stop!
So there you have it, the absolute worst official World Cup songs. Is there another official song that makes you cringe? Share your thoughts in the comments below.