04.16.2015 | By Jack Rico |
*Update: Due to the leak as reported below, Warner Bros. was forced to release the official teaser trailer that was due to be given to theaters April 20, 3 days from now. We have received it and the HD really helps to enjoy it better.
Just after holding back the nostalgia-tears from seeing the second ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘ trailer today, a leaked trailer of ‘Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice‘ from file-sharing sites broke like wildfire.
According to a few websites, Warner Bros. just had their pants pulled from under them and are pissed. The leak, it seems, might have come from either Brazil or Portugal. The official trailer was supposed to be released on Monday, April 20, but obviously that most likely will change due to the evident situation.
From what the trailer shows, residents of Metropolis or Gotham don’t trust Superman and Batman looks like he’s going to be the man, or bat, to stop him.
I for one am underwhelmed. I’m not crazy about the Batman armored suit nor his computerized voice. Hopefully Zack Snyder does something drastically impressive, because between the lame first teaser with the costumes he recently released and this modest trailer, I’m not jumping out of my argyle socks… yet. I still have faith in WB and Snyder to turn this around come crunch time.
What do you think? Best ever or…