07.22.2016 | By Jack Rico |
Co-Directed by Brett Marty & Josh Izenberg, The Search for Earth Proxima is a short documentary about a group of scientists and their mission to build a telescope to hunt for an Earth-like planet around our closest neighbor: Alpha Centauri.
Why is it important to see The Search for Earth Proxima?
Since astronomers first discovered exoplanets in 1995, we’ve come to learn that there are a staggering amount of planets out there in the universe. But, we have yet to find one that’s habitable, aside from our own. Enter Proxima Centauri. It is part of the Alpha Centauri system, which is just 4.2 light years away from Earth. It’s the closest star to us outside of our solar system and could potentially be reachable by our technology in the future.
To know more, check out the info below on the documentary and the crew.
Speculative Films: www.speculativefilms.com
Cinematography: Owen Bissell, Andy Quinn
Time Lapse Photography: Andy Quinn, Brett Marty, Josh Izenberg
Editors: Kee Heywood, Hamilton Henson
Title Design: Colin Gill
Produced by Brett Marty & Josh Izenberg