07.30.2013 | By Jack Rico |
Once a year, a trailer comes along that absorbs you from the first frame to the last. Whether it was its cinematography, color palette, CGI or story line, or maybe a fusion of all the aforementioned, you have just witnessed something special. Comic actor, now turned director, Ben Stiller releases The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and its first trailer is to be sensorially engulfed. I almost feel like I saw an art exhibition, not a trailer. Then again… isn’t film art?
On Dec. 25, 2013, the drama The Secret Life of Walter Mitty opens nationwide. In this remake of the 1947 original starring Danny Kaye, Ben Stiller stars as Mitty, a mild-mannered employee at LIFE magazine who dreams of becoming worthy of the periodical’s pages (and of his co-worker Cheryl, played by Kristin Wiig). Of course, as with most short stories that become movies, the plot doesn’t cleave precisely to the source material: unlike the original Mitty, whose adventures are purely internal, Stiller’s Mitty ends up taking action, as the trailer below makes clear.
On a side note, I know the word on the print industry is that it is dying, but after seeing this trailer, I don’t think it’ll ever die. Have a look!
What did you think of the trailer? Leave your comments below.